33-785 Special Topics in Condensed Matter Spring 2022

Class meets Fridays 3:00 - 4:30 in Wean Hall 6327
Professor Michael Widom, Office 6305 Wean Hall
e-mail widom@cmu.edu, Phone: 412-268-7645
Office hours: Any time my door is open, or by appointment
Course web site http://euler.phys.cmu.edu/widom/teaching/33-785

This course is based on a series of talks by visiting speakers. CMU has faculty searches in theoretical and experimental Condensed Matter Physics that will bring candidates to campus to deliver talks. The instructor will give introductory previews of the topics at the graduate student level. Students will attend the talks and write short reflections about the content and presentation of the talk, and the suitability of the speaker for a faculty position.

Grading: The course will be 6 units graded pass/fail. Grades will be based on attendance and written reflections about the seminars attended. Comments can be simply written in plain text sent by e-mail with subject line "Candidate Name Reflection".