Widom Research Group

Department of Physics
Carnegie Mellon University

Current and Recent Projects


  • Bojun Feng (Graduate Student)
  • Yang Huang (Graduate Student)
  • Marek Mihalkovic (Visiting Scientist, Slovakia)
  • Michael Widom (Professor) (CV, publications)
  • Postdoctoral position open

    Publications (full listing, ResearcherID, Google Scholar)

    33-755 Quantum I (Fall 2020)
    33-448 Solid State (Spring 2021)
    33-658 Quantum Computing/Quantum Information (Fall 2021)
    33-785 Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics (Spring 2022)

    Wavetrans is a set of tools for extracting electronic wavefunctions from VASP WAVECAR files.
    MCMD is a hybrid Monte Carlo/molecular dynamics method for atomistic simulation from first principles.
    Enthalpy database with formation enthalpies of many compounds.